

Wild Fruit Update 9/8/2022

Happy Thursday! Just an update to let our fruit harvesters know that we have met our yearly quota for hawthorns & will NO LONGER be accepting HAWTHORNS and ROSEHIPS. We thank everyone for the effort & overwhelming response we have received this year. We couldn’t make this possible without the community. We are currently accepting wild grapes & highbush cranberries. Our receiving hours are Mon-Thursday 10 am – 3pm. Please call us at (218) 679-2611 if you have any other questions. Miigwech 🙂

September 8th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Wild Fruit Update 8/19

Happy Friday! Just an update on our wild fruit buying activity. As of Friday, 8/19, we have met our quota on crabapples & chokecherries & will no longer accept either fruit. Keep your eyes on wild plums, hawthornes & pincherries as we will be accepting those fruits from Monday-Thursday 10 am-3pm. You can bring your fruit to the Red Lake Nation Foods warehouse in Redby. Please call us at (218) 679-2611 with any questions. Have a safe and happy weekend everyone!

August 19th, 2022|Categories: Berries, News|0 Comments
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